Author: Grigoris Filios

You can consider search engines handy, modern-day online indexes that enable internet users to find the information they need. The drill is super easy. You simply type in a keyword (or even an entire phrase, such as “Dentists near me”) and the search engine uses a search algorithm (a mixture of different ranking factors, such as relevancy, page speed, and backlink strength) to search for results in its database based on your keyword(s) (aka search query) and find what you are looking for. What you get is an ordered list of websites that match with that search query semantically (aka Search Engine Results Page or SERP). ...

Companies venturing into the digital age face a whole new set of marketing challenges. For any business out there with any kind of online presence, search engine optimization (SEO) is an extremely important way to ensure a website is visible to the key audiences. But for those who aren’t necessarily digital marketing experts (and even for some who are) SEO can be a confusing concept to understand, let alone implement. That’s why we’re breaking down what SEO is, and how it can benefit your business...